Embark on a prehistoric adventure with the 2024 Jurassic World Chaos Theory THAPUNNGAKA Strike Attack action figure. This meticulously crafted piece by Mattel brings to life the formidable Strike Attack Thapunngaka, featured in the popular Jurassic Park franchise. With its striking brown and green color scheme, this figure stands at an impressive 7 inches tall and is made from durable ABS plastic and standard plastic materials, ensuring it withstands both play and display. As part of the highly collectible Chaos Theory series, this licensed reproduction is a must-have for fans and collectors alike. Its detailed design captures the essence of the Thapunngaka animal species, making it a remarkable addition to any collection. Whether for reenacting scenes from the movies or as a standout display piece, this action figure is poised to be a treasured asset for enthusiasts of the series.